Algunos artículos de los últimos años

Mecanismos neurobiológicos implicados en el vínculo materno-filial en mamíferos

Maternal Rata

Benedetto, L., Rivas, M., Peña, F., Serantes, D., Ferreira, A., & Torterolo, P. (2021). Local administration of bicuculline into the ventrolateral and medial preoptic nuclei modifies sleep and maternal behavior in lactating rats. Physiology & Behavior, 238, 113491.

Rivas, M., Serantes, D., Pena, F., Gonzalez, J., Ferreira, A., Torterolo, P., & Benedetto, L. M. (2021). Role of hypocretin in the medial preoptic area in the regulation of sleep, maternal behavior and body temperature of lactating rats. BioRxiv.

Delgado, H., Agrati, D., Machado, L., Reyes, L., Savio, E., Engler, H., & Ferreira, A. (2019). Cocaine treatment before pregnancy differentially affects the anxiety and brain glucose metabolism of lactating rats if performed during adulthood or adolescence. Behavioural brain research, 372, 112070.

Benedetto, L., Rivas, M., Cavelli, M., Peña, F., Monti, J., Ferreira, A., & Torterolo, P. (2017). Microinjection of the dopamine D2-receptor antagonist Raclopride into the medial preoptic area reduces REM sleep in lactating rats. Neuroscience letters, 659, 104-109.

Maternal Mujeres

Laurent, A. A., Miraballes, J. J., Gómez, L., & Ferreira, A. (2021). The dynamics of early empathy in children: changes according to age and mothers emotional state. Brazilian Journal of Development, 7(6), 59575-59598.

Ferreira, A., Agrati, D., Arrieta, A., Ferreño, M., González, E., Iraola, I., ... & Altmann, M. (2018). Estado emocional y auto-percepción maternal de mujeres presas con sus hijos en Uruguay. Rev. psicopatol. salud ment. niño adolesc, 31-44.